厲以寧:中國經濟改革發展之路(一) - 教學補習 |
中國經濟改革發展之路Economic Reform and Development the Chinese Way 作者介紹:厲以寧,北京大學教授、博士生導師。他的經濟理論對我國30年來的經濟改革與發展產生了深遠影響。 內容簡介:收選厲以寧教授的16篇論文,反映了作者改革開放以來的主要學術觀點,精辟闡述中國經濟改革中的重大議題等。資深翻譯家凌原翻譯,附經濟學術語對照表。 論教育在經濟增長中的作用The role of education in economic growth 兩年前,我在《技術教育和資本主義工業化:西歐和美國技術力量形成問題研究》一文中,曾從經濟史的角度對教育同經濟增長的關系作過一些分析。在那篇文章里,我所著重考察的是:教育是培養一國技術力量的主要 途徑;后進國家提高經濟增長率以及在經濟上趕上和超過先進國家的原因之一就是重視教育、重視人才的培養。關于教育在經濟增長中的作用,在該文中歸納為以下 五點:In my speech “Technology education and capitalist industrialization: a study of the rise of technological power in Western Europe and America,” I dwelled on the relationship between education and economic growth in light of economic history. What I was driving at was that education is a major recourse for nations to groom technological personnel, and that only by putting a premium on education and the cultivation of talents can less developed nations boost their economic growth rates and catch up with and surpass the developed countries. As I put it in that speech, the role of education in economic growth has five aspects: 第一,它向社會提供一支能在科學上有發現、發明,在生產技術上有創新、變革的科學研究和設計隊伍。如果沒有這樣一支隊伍,在科學技術上至多只能步別國的后塵,很難取得重大的突破。“ First, education provides society with a supply of researchers and designers who can venture into the unknown, innovating in science, renovating and transforming productive technology. Without such contingents, the best a nation can do is to tag along after other nations, but in that way you cannot score major breakthroughs in science and technology. 第二,它向社會提供一支能掌握和運用先進生產方法的技術隊伍。如果沒有這樣一支隊伍,即使有了先進的生產工具和生產方法,它們也不可能充分發揮作用。“Second, education provides society with engineers and technicians who can master and apply advanced means of production. Without such technocrats, even if a nation has acquired sophisticated tools of production, it cannot put them to best use. 第三,它向社會提供一支適應于工業化水平的生產和技術管理人員的隊伍。如果沒有這樣一支隊伍,就會造成生產過程中人力、物力、財力的巨大浪費,就不能發揮先進生產技術的優越性。”Third, education brings forth production and technology managers well adapted to society’s level of industrialization. Without teams of such managers, the production process can be prone to colossal waste in human, material and financial resources, making it impossible to benefit from the superiority of advanced productive technology. 第四,它提高全社會的科學文化水平,為新產品的推廣使用、為先進科學技術知識的普及和提高準備條件,同時也為今后技術力量的成長提供廣闊的基礎,為源源不斷的高質量的科研人員、工程技術人員、管理人員和熟練工人的供給提供保證。“Fourth, education enhances society’s scientific and cultural attainment, and sets the stage for promoting new products and disseminating and upgrading knowledge in science and technology. At the same time, education also lays the groundwork for the future growth of a nation’s technological prowess, and guarantees the supply of a constant stream of high-caliber researchers, engineers and managers, and skilled workers. 第五,它使社會積累起來的科學知識和生產經驗得以保存和傳播,這種傳播可以不受國界的限制,也不受時間的限制。累積起來的科學知識和生產經驗作為人類共同財富,通過教育從一個民族傳播給另一個民族,從這一代傳播給下一代。“”Fifth, education enables society to preserve and disseminate its accumulation of scientific knowledge and productive experience free from barriers of time and space and national boundaries. It is through education that such accumulated knowledge and experience are spread from one nation to another and from one generation to another as humanity’s shared assets.” 本文以兩年前發表的那篇文章為基礎,繼續考察教育同經濟增長的關系。但這兩篇文章的著重點有所不同。前一篇文章分析教育在促進一國經濟增長和提高 經濟增長率方面的重要作用,本文分析教育在保證一國經濟穩定、持續增長,以及有效地解決經濟增長過程中發生的或可能發生的各種問題方面的重要作用。換言 之,前一篇文章考察的范圍在于經濟增長本身,本文考察的范圍在于穩定、持續經濟增長過程中的社會就業、國際收支、收入分配、財政平衡等問題。此外,前一篇 文章是從西歐和美國經濟史的角度進行考察的,本文則以當前我國社會主義經濟作為考察的對象。I would like to go on with my observation of the relationship between education and economic growth on the basis of the speech I made and published two years ago. However, this paper has a different focus. While in my previous speech I looked into the major role education plays in expanding the economy and raising its growth rate, this paper underlines education’s important role in ensuring economic stability and sustained growth, and in providing effective solutions to problems that have occurred or may occur in the process of economic growth. In other words, my previous speech was about economic growth per se, whereas this paper is a study of employment, balance of international payments, income distribution, financial balance and other issues occurring in the process of stabilizing and sustaining economic growth. Furthermore, while my previous speech proceeded from the perspective of the economic history of Western Europe and America, this paper takes China’s socialist economy as its focus and background. 本文分為四部分,分別考察教育與社會就業、國際收支、收入分配、財政平衡之間的關系,說明教育在保證經濟穩定、持續增長中的作用。This paper is delivered in four sections dealing respectively with education’s relationship with employment, balance of international payments, income distribution, and fiscal balance, so as to illustrate education’s role in guaranteeing economic stability and sustained growth.
推薦: 厲以寧經典論文首次結集出版英文版,海外版已授權劍橋大學出版社 資深翻譯家凌原翻譯,附經濟學術語對照表。
厲以寧 凌原 外語教學與研究出版社 |
- Sep 25 Tue 2012 00:20