減肥奇招:超模骨瘦如柴的秘密 - 教學補習 |
The Secret Reason Runway Models Look So Skinny減肥奇招:超模骨瘦如柴的秘密 Women's Wear Daily continued its "Model Call" series this week with Vika Falileeva, a tall Russian blonde who walked all of Spring 2012's top shows.時尚雜志《女裝日報》系列訪談欄目“對話名模”這周的嘉賓是俄羅斯金發超模Vika Falileeva,2012年春季的所有大秀她都走過了。 Vika kindly divulged details on the unique stress that is New York Fashion Week, including this interesting tidbit. "the fall 2012 shows are just a couple months away. Do you do anything to prepare for the chaos?"" Sleep all day and eat a lot actually, because I lost like five kilograms last week. I was superskinny."" You don't have time to eat."" We have castings, shows, fittings, refits, more castings, more shows."Vika在欄目中透露紐約時裝周的巨大壓力,同時,還分享了一些有趣的小秘密。“距離2012年秋季秀還有幾個月。你要做些什么準備呢?“”猛吃猛睡,因為上周我又瘦了5公斤。我本來就骨瘦如柴了。“”你沒有時間去吃東西。“”我們要不停地試鏡,走秀,試衣服,改衣服大小,然后去參加更多的試鏡,走更多的秀。” While we don't think stress is entirely to blame for models' skinny runway appearances, it is worthwhile to think about what role it plays.盡管我們不能把模特們在臺上皮包骨頭的體形完全歸結于巨大的壓力,但是我們也要考慮到壓力在這其中起的作用。 Then again, if stress is only part of the story. We already all assumed: that too many models have a twisted, unhealthy attitude towards food -- and that that attitude results in many dropped kilos.如果說壓力大只是造成超模們身形消瘦的原因之一的話,那么我們都相信,很多模特對食物都存在著一種扭曲的、不健康的心態。而這種心態也會使她們的體重下降。 小編:想瘦嗎?那就讓壓力來得更猛烈些吧! |
- Sep 01 Sat 2012 22:32