淡化雅思文章模板痕跡之單邊結構寫作 - 教學補習 |
一、前言 雅思作文中,基本上主流的作文結構有:單邊結構,雙邊結構和分析解決。如果進一步細分,還可以分為自由論述類,混合類和對比型。考生在考試前最重要的是要學會確定考題的作文結構,這是審題的一個重要前提。眾所周知,單邊結構主要有兩個方面的特征:考題文字中的觀點單一和考生對觀點支持角度的單一,即不能模棱兩可,必須有明確的單一指向性的觀點傾向。 對于判斷作文的結構類型,應該不是很大的問題,現在我們關心的是,考生太過依賴所謂的模板,而使得文章沒有靈活度,太過于模式化。同學們都知道,在考試中,如果我們的文章太過模式化,也就是有背模板的嫌疑,這樣的文章在考官眼中是低質量的作文。朗閣海外考試研究中心分析認為,此現象的主要原因應該歸咎于考生存在希望通過所謂“萬能模板”去獲得高分的心態,期望通過所謂捷徑來快速取得理想的分數。可是這樣做往往會適得其反。 本文將主要通過分析單邊結構類型作文中比較常見的話題,為考生分析如何淡化寫作中的模板痕跡,使文章更為行云流水,不要讓文章成為冷冰冰的一堆鋼筋水泥般無生機的機械文字。 二、分析 真題鏈接:In some countries, government encourages industries and business to move from large cities to regional areas. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this policy? 以上是作文題庫中的考試真題,相信大家都已經非常熟悉了。我們就一起結合此題,對單邊結構的整體文章結構和遣詞造句做一個簡單的對比。 1. 引言段 引言段是通篇作文的開篇之作,對于它的寫法多種多樣。但是無論怎樣書寫,切忌出現以下模式性的語句樣式: 模板語言: Nowadays, the relocation of industries and business has become a public focus on which people retain different views. Personally, I am favor of the opinion that we should move the industries and business to regional areas. The reasons can be listed in the following three aspects. 這樣的模板相信大部分考生都不會覺得陌生,它曾經“造福”了無數考生。但是這樣過于機械的語言,很難體現出考生對考題文字的理解,更為糟糕的是,你的開頭有可能和無數人是重復的! 下面我們就做一個簡單的對比: 非模板語言: In traditional city planning, the industrial and commercial areas are placed in large cities.However, recently, in some countries; government start to encourage those functional areas to move out of cities.The alternation of location for those sections can be viewed as an action to ensure the sustainable development of a country. 2. 主體段 模板語言: In the first place, ____________________________. In the second place, _________________________. Last but not the least, _________________________. 在傳統的模板里,單邊結構的主體段只是簡單的分段論證分論點,雖然結構一目了然,但是也難免落入模式化的俗套。 做一個簡單的對比: 非模板語言: a. 讓步分析 Admittedly, when industry and commercial regions are established in large cities, the profits of enterprises could be maximized. Due to the sufficient human resource, advanced technology and complete infrastructure, urban areas are always regarded as a dream land for economic development. Apart from the positive effects the location exerts on the development of companies, the contribution of taxes to the government is another reason why those industries are originally built in cities. 單邊結構并不總是一條道走到黑,可以先讓步分析題目中的背景信息,這樣可以為觀點的論證提供很好的鋪墊,當提出觀點的時候就不會很突兀,會顯得更加“底氣十足”。 b. 轉折過渡 However, nothing is without its costs. The flourishment of economy also brings a more crowded environment, soaring crime rate and the heavy burden of resources in cities, which arouses a dramatic conflict between different fields. What’s more, it leads to the unbalanced regional development. And the gap between cities and rural areas is continuously sharpened. 但是單邊結構畢竟是要明確地提出一個中心論點,才不會偏離文章的主旨,所以在這篇文章中,這個時候轉折就顯得相當重要。 c. 提出觀點 Obviously, promoting the relocation of business and industries is a wise decision to ease the pressure of cities as well as facilitate the economic development in regional areas. The city will naturally be freed from the overcrowdedness and serious pollution. More importantly, those regional areas which are chosen as the new places for industries and commercial activities could gain an advantageous position in the rapid growth of local economy. People there may not pour into cities to pursue their goals, which could lead to the deterioration of both urban and rural environment. 有了前面的鋪墊,這時候的觀點提出就非常順暢了,不需要費盡口舌說服讀者來“買你的帳”。筆者認為,只有鋪墊充足,觀點的提出才更像是一種必然。 3. 結尾段 模板語言: To sum up, from the above analysis, we can come to the conclusion that_____________________________________________. 做一個簡單的對比: 非模板語言: In conclusion, the change of location for both industry and business is based on extensive consideration, apparently, this policy could make the all-direction and sustainable development of a country a possibility. 三、總結 建議各位考生:不要盲目追求所謂模板,要注重靈活度。筆者認為,中國考生寫作得分低,除了語法這個大問題以外,其實一味背誦模板甚至隨處套用所謂“萬能模板”是丟分的一大原因。寫作的最高境界就是把各種連接化于無形,實現語義的自然銜接。考生必須根據考題的要求,調用自己原有的語言配上正確的語法,使作文具有鮮明的個人特色,侃侃而談。在考場中,拉近與考官的距離而不是設置一道冷冰冰的“模板墻”。 |
- Sep 01 Sat 2012 01:31