梁思成:為什么研究中國建筑(二) - 教學補習 |
Chinese Architecture: Art and Artifacts 為什么研究中國建筑 作者簡介:梁思成,中國著名建筑史學家、建筑師、城市規劃師和建筑教育家,曾參加中華人民共和國國徽、人民英雄紀念碑等的設計,是新中國首都城市規劃工作的推動者和新中國若干重大設計方案的主持者。 內容簡介:著名建筑學家梁思成先生英文文集匯編,收選其八篇文章及考察報告,配有中文譯文與近百幅珍貴的建筑手繪圖稿和照片。
佛教石窟造像Buddhist Cave Sculpture In 676 AD Empress Wu ordered all her court ladies to donate their cosmetic allowance for the caving of this colossal vairochana group at Lung-men. The entire group was sheltered by a wooden hall that has disappeared. Holes and grooves on the cliff still indicate clearly the position and curvature of the roof and the location of many beams. 公元676年,武后頒旨所有宮娥捐獻脂粉錢在龍門開鑿這組盧舍那巨型群像。群像原覆有木構寺閣,現已不存,崖上龕壁處仍有卯孔與凹槽清楚指示屋頂刻槽位置及梁柱位置。
The oldest brick pagoda in China is in the compound of the ancient Buddhist temple of Sung-yueh Ssu at Sung shan, Honan. The pagoda, built in 523 AD, is very unusual in style having, as it does, twelve sides and fifteen stories. 這座中國現存最早的磚塔位于河南嵩山嵩岳寺院內。該塔建于公元523年,其十二邊形和十五層的形制極為罕見。
China’s oldest stone pagoda, erected at the back of T’ai Shan, probably in 544 AD, is a simple structure, a single-storied pavilion unlike what is generally known as a pagoda. Its doorways are arched; its roof is a stepped pyramid with a stupa. 神通寺四門塔——中國現存最早的石塔,大約建于公元544年,位于泰山之陰。它是一個與一般概念的塔不同的單層簡單結構。塔門呈拱狀,塔頂為 堵坡樣式的金字塔。
The “Great Gander” Pagoda, Sian, is one of the most sacred monuments of Buddhist China. The present pagoda replaced in the 8th century one erected by the great 7th-century monk Hsüan-tsang but soon war-damaged. 西安大雁塔是中國最重要的佛教紀念性建筑物之一。現存的大雁塔是公元 8 世紀重建的,原塔由 7 世紀的名僧玄奘所建,但不久便毀于戰火。
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- Sep 01 Sat 2012 01:26