圣誕特飲:多味甜紅酒 - 教學補習 |
ingredients • 2 clementines• peel of 1 lemon• peel of 1 lime• 250g caster sugar• 6 whole cloves• 1 cinnamon stick• 3 fresh bay leaves• 1 whole nutmeg• 1 whole vanilla pod, halved• 2 star anise• 2 bottles of Chianti, or other Italian red wine所需材料 2個小柑橘1個檸檬皮1個青檸皮250克糖霜6個丁香1根肉桂棒3片新鮮月桂葉1整個豆蔻1根香草莢,切半2個八角2瓶意大利產的紅酒 method制作步驟 This is dead easy to make and tastes like Christmas in a glass. It’s a lovely celebration of those traditional festive spices like cloves, cinnamon and nutmeg. If you’ve got your own favourite spices, then feel free to add those to the pot too. Let everything cook away and warm up gently so the flavours have time to mingle with the wine. I like to leave my mulled wine ticking over on a really low heat and just ladle some into glasses as and when guests pop in.這種多味熱紅酒的制作方法超級簡單,也能最直接地讓你從杯中感受到圣誕的氣氛。這也是一種享用傳統圣誕香料,像是丁香、肉桂、肉蔻的好方法。如果你有自己喜歡的其他香料,也不用擔心、統統加進去好了。把每種香料都煮出香味,細煮慢熬、給予足夠的時間讓它們和紅酒混合。我喜歡用很小很小的火來煮這道飲品,當客人進門的時候再把它們從鍋里舀出來給大家。 Peel large sections of peel from your clementines, lemon and lime using a speed peeler. Put the sugar in a large saucepan over a medium heat, add the pieces of peel and squeeze in the clementine juice. Add the cloves, cinnamon stick, bay leaves and about 10 to 12 gratings of nutmeg. Throw in your halved vanilla pod and stir in just enough red wine to cover the sugar. Let this simmer until the sugar has completely dissolved into the red wine and then bring to the boil. Keep on a rolling boil for about 4 to 5 minutes, or until you’ve got a beautiful thick syrup. The reason I’m doing this first is to create a wonderful flavour base by really getting the sugar and spices to infuse and blend well with the wine. It’s important to do make a syrup base first because it needs to be quite hot, and if you do this with both bottles of wine in there you’ll burn off the alcohol.把柑橘、檸檬和青檸的皮剝下來、撕成大塊。開中火、在大鍋里放入糖霜、果皮,擠入柑橘汁。再加入丁香、肉桂棒、月桂葉、10-12粒肉蔻。放入切半的香草莢,再倒入剛剛好能淹沒糖霜的紅酒。小火燉煮,當糖完全溶解在紅酒里之后,開大火煮沸騰。一直讓它煮沸4-5分鐘,直到液體變黏著、成漂亮的糖漿狀。之所以一開始要這么做,是為了讓紅酒能真正吸收糖和香料的味道。先做這個糖漿打底非常重要,因為如果一開始你就加入兩瓶紅酒,那酒精燒到最后就全部揮發掉了。 When your syrup is ready turn the heat down to low and add your star anise and both bottles of wine. Gently heat the wine and after around 5 minutes, when it’s warm and delicious, ladle it into glasses and serve.當你把糖漿做好,就可以關小火,加入八角和剩下的紅酒。把紅酒熱上個5分鐘,當它變暖變香,就可以裝杯享用啦!
- Oct 24 Wed 2012 14:02