離婚危機解除:威爾•史密斯夫婦多年婚姻終得挽回 - 教學補習 |
After 14 years of marriage, Will Smith, 43, and Jada Pinkett Smith, 40, seem to be heading straight for divorce. Endless fights, Will’s nights out partying with the guys and sleeping in separate bedrooms have left the couple living two “separate lives.”在經歷了14年的婚姻后,43歲的威爾·史密斯和40歲的賈達·萍克特·史密斯似乎要直奔離婚主題。無休止的爭吵,威爾的夜夜笙歌以及兩人的分房睡都使得這對夫婦過著“分居”的生活。 “They’ve been faking it for a long time and they don’t want to live a lie anymore,” a source says. “Living and sleeping separately have pushed them to their limit. They’re done.”“他們假裝已經很久了,他們不想再在謊言中生活了。”一個知情人說,“分開生活和睡覺將他們兩人推向了他們的極限。他倆完了。” The marriage is done. “Will and Jada are finished,” says another insider. “They’re still keeping up appearances because they worry divorce could hurt their careers, but there’s no turning back now. It needs to end.”這段婚姻完了。“威爾和杰達結束了,”另一個知情人說:“他們還假裝在一起是因為他們擔心離婚會傷害到他們各自的事業,但是現在已經無法挽回了。這必須結束了。” Will has taken to spending many nights in a different bedroom from Jada, notes an insider. “He’s barely speaking to Jada. But when they fight, he’ll storm out and go off to spend time with his guy friends. He and Jada are living separate lives.”威爾已經跟賈達分房睡很多晚了,一個知情人提醒到,“他幾乎很少跟杰達講話。但是當他們爭吵,他會猛然離開,去找他的朋友們。他跟賈達過著分開的生活。” “Will feels like he’s living a lie, but he knows it needs to end,” explains a source. “They can’t keep pretending.”“威爾覺得他生活在一個謊言中,但是他知道該是時候結束了,”知情人解釋到,“他們裝不下去了。” But according to a new report, Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith will NOT be getting a divorce. That said, the couple did have some serious troubles over the summer which nearly derailed their union — and you’ll never guess what they were fighting about!但是根據最新的報道,威爾·史密斯和賈達·萍克特·史密斯夫妻倆不會離婚了。這對夫婦在夏天確實發生了一些比較嚴重的問題,這些問題差點使得他們的生活脫軌,你永遠無法猜出他們在為什么爭吵。 Will, 43, and Jada, 40, apparently could not see eye-to-eye on how to best manage the careers of their children Jaden and Willow. While Jada wanted to ease them down a gradual road to stardom, Will is eager to get them famous as soon as possible.43歲的威爾和40歲的賈達無法在如何最好的管理自己孩子的演繹事業上達成一致。賈達想讓他們放下腳步慢慢來,而威爾則想讓他們越快成名越好。
- Oct 24 Wed 2012 06:15