跟明星學英語:王力宏seiko拍攝花絮 - 教學補習 |
The biggest challenge for every concert is that it has to be new. I want the audience to be, ”This is the first thing I’ve ever heard this song.” And I keep wanting to raise the bar of each concert. This is better than the last time. And everything I am to accomplish this, I think it makes me a better person, a better artist. So I like to keep challenging myself and raising the bar.每場演唱會最大的挑戰是怎樣有新穎的地方。我希望觀眾的感受是,我第一次發現這首歌和以前不一樣。我總是希望每場演出都可以更上一個臺階,比上一次更好。我為此付出很多努力,我想這使我成為一個更好的人,一個更好的音樂創作者。所以我喜歡不斷挑戰自己并且不斷提高標準。 When I’m creating, I try to keep myself open to inspiration. It can come from anywhere. I hear music in my sleep. I’ll dream of lyrics. Then I’ll have to get up even it’s 3 in the morning. I have to get out of the bed. And I think that’s the hardest part. Discipline.當我創作的時候,我總是努力激發自己的靈感。靈感可以來源于任何地方。睡覺時我會聽音樂,我會夢到歌詞。然后我就得起來,即使是凌晨3點。我必須起來,這是我認為最艱難的地方,也是磨練。 I dedicate myself to singing. I practice everyday. It’s also an art form. People don’t realize singing also takes a lot of dedication and a lot of practice. It’s because of dedication to the art and the 99% of perspiration. It’s hard work. There’s no magic about it. I definitely subscribe to the success being 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.我把精力都用在唱歌上。我每天都堅持練習,這也是一種藝術形式。人們不知道唱歌也需要很多練習和投入很多精力。能做出好的音樂是因為付出了大量的心血和汗水。這是很辛苦的工作,沒有任何有關的魔法可以用。我非常同意這樣的觀點,成功是1%的天賦加上99%的努力。 最常見的10個雅思口語話題?果斷以王力宏的標準要求自己! 1. How do you see yourself in ten years’ time? 2. What are your plans for your future? 3. Will your life change a lot after you immigrate to British? 4. Do you know what to do in case of emergency? 5. What will do if you fail the IELTS test? 6. What’s your dream job? 7. What troubles you most at the moment? 8. Is result more important than process when you pursue success? 9. Are there any communication differences between males and females? 10. What will you do after the IELTS test?
- Sep 03 Mon 2012 11:23