
江蘇豐縣校車事故:遇難學生人數上升至15人 - 教學補習


15 students killed as bus rolls into river 江蘇豐縣校車側翻事故:遇難學生人數上升至15人

BEIJING - At least 15 pupils were confirmed dead after a school bus rolled over in Xuzhou, East China's Jiangsu province. 北京:江蘇省徐州市豐縣首羨鎮中心小學校車事故已造成至少15名學生死亡。

The accident occurred around 6 pm on Monday when the busoverturned into a river. Twenty-nine pupils were aboard at the time, a publicity official from the city of Xuzhou, told China Daily. 徐州市的一位宣傳部門官員告訴《中國日報》,事故發生在周一晚上6點,校車因躲避來往車輛側翻掉入路邊的河里,當時車上共有29名學生。

As of 11:30 pm on Monday, 12 pupils had died and 11 were injured, including three severely, Zhang said.The bus driver only suffered minor injuries. 該名張姓官員表示,到周一晚上11點半,12名學生搶救無效死亡,11人受傷,其中3人傷勢較重。根據最新消息,3名重傷學生搶救無效死亡,幸存傷者還有8名。校車司機只受到了一些輕傷。

"The bus was traveling on the road when two electric bikes suddenly cut in and the driver was trying to avoid them," Zhang said. 張表示:“校車當時在路上正常行駛,有兩輛電動車突然超車,司機為了躲開不慎造成校車側翻事故。”

The 29 pupils - first, second and fourth graders - were on their way home.這29名學生,多為一年級、二年級和四年級的小學生,當時正是在放學回家的路上。

The bus was produced by Shaolin Auto Co Ltd in Henan province and had a full capacity of 52 passengers.這輛校車出產自河南省少林汽車有限公司,可搭載52名乘客。

Local radio reported that shoes and school bags could be seen floating on the river. Authorities sent 20 ambulances and a heavy crane as part of the rescue effort. 當地電臺報道稱河里飄滿了孩子們的鞋子和書包。當地政府派出了20輛救護車和1輛重型吊車參與到救援工作中。

A day prior to the accident, the Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council published draft regulations aimed at improving school bus safety, a move sparked by a nationwide outcry following the deaths of 20 children in an overcrowded, nine-seat bus.就在事故發生前一天,國務院法制辦公室發布了旨在提高校車安全的法律草案,此項草案的出臺也是由于11月17日甘肅正寧發生的校車事故引發的全國抗議。11月17日甘肅正寧,只有9個座位的校車當時共乘坐64名學生,事故造成了20名兒童死亡。

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