Grandma got run over by a reindeer. Walking home from our house Christmas Eve. You can say there’s no such thing as Santa. But as for me and grandpa, we believe. she’d been drinking too much egg nog. And we begged her not to go. But she forgot her medication. And she staggered out the door into the snow. 奶奶被圣誕老人的鹿車撞死,在圣誕前夜從我家走路回去。你可以不信世上有圣誕老人,但我和爺爺卻對此深信不疑。她喝了太多的蛋酒,而我們都在勸她不要回家,但她忘了帶藥,于是她踉蹌出門沖進雪花。 When we found her Christmas morning, at the scene of the attack. She had hoof prints on her forehead. And incriminating Claus marks on her back. Grandma got run over by a reindeer. Walking home from our house Christmas eve. You can say there’s non such thing as Santa. But as for me and grandpa, we believe. Now we’re all so proud of Grandpa. He’s been taking this so well. See him in there watching football. Drinking beer and playing cards with cousin Belle. It’s not Christmas without Grandma. All the family’ dressed in black. And we just can’t help but wonder. Should we open up her gifts or send them back. Send them back! 圣誕一早發現她的遺體,就躺在事故的案發地,她的額頭留下了馴鹿的蹄印,背上還有圣誕老人罪惡的痕跡。奶奶被圣誕老人的鹿車撞死,在圣誕前夜從我家走路回去。你可以不信世上有圣誕老人,但我和爺爺卻對此深信不疑。我們都為爺爺感到驕傲,對于如此噩耗他仍淡定自在,他在那里看著橄欖球賽。還跟貝爾表妹一起喝酒玩牌。沒有奶奶圣誕就不完整,全家老少都穿上了黑衣。我們不禁心里暗想,奶奶的禮物是打開還是退回去。退回去! Grandma got run over by a reindeer. Walking home from our house Christmas Eve. You can say there’s no such thing as Santa. But as for me and grandpa, we believe. Now the goose is on the table. And the pudding made of fig. And the blue and silver candles. That would just have matched the hair in Grandma’s wig. I’ve warned all my friends and neighbors. Better watch out for yourselves. They should never give a license. To a man who drives a sleigh and plays with elves. 奶奶被圣誕老人的鹿車撞死,在圣誕前夜從我家走路回去。你可以不信世上有圣誕老人,但我和爺爺卻對此深信不疑。現在鵝肉已經擺上了餐桌,還有無花果做成的布丁,那幾根藍色銀色的蠟燭,本可以和奶奶的假發相互輝映。我已警告所有朋友和鄰居,你們出門一定要小心行走。他們原本就不應該發駕照給那個駕著雪橇跟精靈混在一起的老頭。 Grandma got run over by a reindeer. Walking home from our house Christmas Eve. You can say there’s no such thing as Santa. But as for me and grandpa, we believe. Sing it, grandpa.奶奶被圣誕老人的鹿車撞死,在圣誕前夜從我家走路回去。你可以不信世上有圣誕老人,但我和爺爺卻對此深信不疑。爺爺唱起來啊! Grandma got run over by a reindeer. Walking home from our house Christmas Eve. You can say there’s no such thing as Santa. But as for me and grandpa, we believe. Merry Christmas!奶奶被圣誕老人的鹿車撞死,在圣誕前夜從我家走路回去。你可以不信世上有圣誕老人,但我和爺爺卻對此深信不疑。圣誕快樂!