2011年12月四級考試仔細閱讀真題第一篇:男女分校更有利 - 教學補習 |
2011年12月四級考試閱讀真題被證實也是摘自衛報的新聞,原文題目"Single-sex schools help boys to enjoy arts, says study" 研究證明純男子學校更利于男學生學習藝術。原文發布時間為2010年1月,比較久遠。 本文僅為原文,閱讀答案見>> Absence of girls removes pressure to conform to masculine stereotype, claims US researcher美國研究者認為,男女分校有利于幫男生消除男性形象的壓力 Rachel Williams The Guardian, Wednesday 20 January 2010 Boys' schools are the perfect place to teach young men to express their emotions and are more likely to get involved in activities such as art, dance and music, according to research released today.據今日發布的研究表示,男校是教育年輕男性表達情感最佳的地點,也更有可能讓他們進行藝術、跳舞和音樂等活動。 Far from the traditional image of a culture of aggressive masculinity in which students either sink or swim, the absence of girlsgives boys the chance to develop without pressure toconform to a stereotype, the US study says.這項美國研究說明,與傳統文化形象強調的凡事靠自己、進取向上的男性特征不同,學校里沒有女生,給了男生在沒有典型形象壓力下自主發展的機會。 Boys at single sex schools were said to be more likely to get involved in cultural and artistic activities that helped develop their emotional expressiveness, rather than feeling they had to conform to the "boy code" of hiding their emotions to be a "real man".在男校里,男生們可以有更多的機會參與文化和藝術活動,幫助他們發展情感表現力。他們不用強迫自己遵守“男生代碼”,隱藏內心的感情表現得像個“真正的男人”。 The report, presented at a conference of the International Boys' Schools Coalition in London attended by the heads of private and state schools, goes against received wisdom that boys do better when taught alongside girls.該研究報告發表于在倫敦舉行的國際男校聯盟會議上,眾多私立學校和公立學校的主管領導與會。報告駁斥了認為男生跟女生一起能學得更好的傳統常識。 The headmaster of Eton, Tony Little, warned that boys were being failed by the British education system because it had become too focused on girls. He criticised teachers for failing to recognise that boys are actually more emotional than girls, despite the fact that girls "turn on the waterworks".伊頓公學的校長Tony Little警告說,現在的英國教育體系太過關注女生,可能會造成男生的教育失敗。他批評教師們沒有意識到,雖然女生很容易哭泣,但男生其實比女生情感更豐富。 The research argued that boys often perform badly in mixed schools because they become demoralised when their female counterparts do better earlier in verbal skills and reading, because the left side of the brain develops faster in girls. They also felt they had to be "cool" rather than studious.研究認為,在男女混合學校中,男生通常表現較差。因為女生的左腦發展較快,所以女生在口語技能和閱讀能力方面的優勢會較早突顯,相形見絀之下,男生會士氣低落,會覺得表現得酷酷地比學習用功更自在。 But in single sex schools teachers are able to tailor lessons to boys' learning style, letting them move around the classroom and getting them to compete in teams to prevent boredom, wrote the study's author, education expert Abigail James, of the University of Virginia.該研究的作者是弗吉尼亞大學大學的教育專家Abigail James。他在文中寫到,在男校中,教師會為男生們量身制作適合他們學習方式的課程,允許他們在教室自由活動,組隊競賽避免沉悶。 Teachers could encourage boys to enjoy reading and writing with specifically "boy-focused" approaches such as themes and characters that appeal to them. Boys in boys' schools "loved" topen verse because they enjoyed the "inherent structure in poems", James said. Because, the researchers say, boys generally have better spatial skills, more acute vision, learn best through touch, are more impulsive and more physically active, they need to be given "hands-on" lessons where they are allowed to walk around, with this natural impulse not seen as disruptive. "Boys in mixed schools view classical music as feminine and prefer the modern genre in which violence and sexism are major themes," James wrote.Abigail James表示,教師可以采用特定的“以男生為中心”的教學方式,選一些會吸引男生的主題和人物,鼓勵他們享受閱讀和寫作的樂趣。男校的男生會“熱愛”寫詩,因為他們喜歡“詩歌的內在結構”。James表示,這是因為男生通常空間技巧更強,視覺更敏銳,觸覺是他們最好的學習方式,他們比女生更沖動也更好動,所以需要為男生提供一些“實踐操作”的課程,可以允許他們在教室里自由活動,這樣才不至于破壞他們的本性。James在文中寫到:“男女混校中的男生會覺得古典音樂很女人,所以會更喜歡主題為暴力和性別主義的現代音樂。” Single sex education also made it less likely that boys would feel they had to conform to a stereotype gained from the media by girls that men should be "masterful and in charge" in relationships. "In the present sexualised atmosphere prevalent in mixed schools, boys feel coerced into acting like men before they understand themselves well enough to know what that means," the report said.分校教育也可以讓男生不用遵守另外一種固定形象:那就是女生通常會從電影電視中總結出男生在男女關系中專橫和負責的形象。報告中表示:“現在的男女混校明顯存在性別化氛圍,男生還沒有對自己有足夠多的了解懂得男性特征的意義,就被迫要表現得像個男人一樣。”
- Nov 10 Sat 2012 04:15