
貓貓的語言你知多少? - 教學補習


Sure, you talk to your cat now, but does he know what the heck you’re saying? And do you understand his purrs and meows? If not, it’s time to have a good chat with your furry friend.當然,你現在也可以和你家貓貓說話,但是你家貓貓知道你到底在說什么東東嗎?而且你知道他的呼嚕聲和喵喵叫都是什么意思嗎?如果你不知道,那么你是應該好好地與你這位毛茸茸的朋友聊聊天了。You will need: a willingness to look silly, attention to pay to his sounds and a working knowledge of cat body language.你需要:愿意看起來有點傻,注意貓貓的聲音,學習貓貓肢體語言。Step 1:Create greater intimacy with your cat by mimicking his meows. Just knowing that you're attempting to speak his language will make him feel closer to you.通過模仿貓貓的喵喵叫來與他建立親密的關系。要知道通過嘗試說他的語言會讓他覺得你更親近。Step 2:Increase your chances of your cat listening to you by using his name when you're issuing a command.當你對他下達指令的時候,通過叫他的名字來使他更能聽你的話。Men should use a higher-pitched voice when speaking to their cats, because cats respond better to sopranos.男人應該提高嗓音和貓貓說話,因為貓貓對女高音的反應比較大。Step 3: Like humans, cats seek clues about a person's mood by listening to his voice. So when you talk to your cat, be sure that your tone matches the message you want to convey.像人類一樣,貓貓也在通過人們的聲音來發現人類情緒的蛛絲馬跡。因此當你和你的貓貓說話時,要確保你的音調符合你想傳達的情緒。 If you want your cat to know you’re upset that he just peed on the rug, do what his mom would do: Gently pick him up by the scruff of his neck and growl.如果你想讓你的貓貓知道在地攤上撒尿很讓人討厭,就按照他媽媽的做法:輕輕地提著他頸部的皮毛然后喊罵幾句。Step 4:Cats have about 100 words in their vocabulary in the form of meows, growls, purrs and hisses. Pay close attention and you'll begin to learn sound he makes when he's hungry, angry, fearful and so on.貓貓們的語言形式有喵喵叫、咆哮、呼嚕聲和噓聲,在這些形式中一共有大約100個詞匯。要密切觀察然后學習他們發出的聲音,如餓的時候、怒的時候、害怕的時候等等都是什么聲音。Step 5:Learn how to read your cat's tail. If only the tip is moving, he's irritated. If the tail is swinging from side to side, he's PO'd. If he's carrying his tail tall and proud, he's happy.學會看貓貓的尾巴。如果只是尾巴頂端在移動,表示他在憤怒。如果他的尾巴來回擺動,則他很緊張。如果他的尾巴高高在上,表示他很高興。Step 6:Figure out kitty's mood by paying attention to the speed and volume of his mewling. Fast, loud sounds indicate anxiety, while slow, quieter sounds convey confidence.通過貓貓喵喵叫的速度和聲音大小來判定小貓的情緒。如果又快又響亮,則暗示著不安;如果又慢聲又小,則表示自信。 Did you know? In ancient Egypt, cats were so revered that when one died, the owner placed embalmed mice in the cat’s coffin so he’d have food in the afterlife.你知道嗎?在古埃及,貓貓們是如此高貴,當一只貓貓死后,它的主人會在它的棺材里放防腐的老鼠,希望它死后能吃飽。

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