
意式圣誕鮮奶凍 - 教學補習



This easy, creamy dessert is less dense than a traditional pudding but still packed with Christmas spices.這款簡單易做、奶香濃郁的甜點相比傳統的英式布丁要清爽,但依然會用到圣誕的香料,節味兒十足。

Ingredients4 tbsp raisins4 tbsp dark rum6 gelatine sheets1 litre/1¾ pints double cream120g/4½oz caster sugar1 tsp ground ginger1 tsp ground allspice¼ tsp nutmeg, to taste1 tsp ground cinnamon1 handful berries, such as redcurrants, to serve


Preparation method制作步驟

Place the raisins into a small bowl and cover with the rum. Set aside to soak for at least 30 minutes.把葡萄干倒入小碗中,加入朗姆酒泡制至少30分鐘。

Meanwhile, soak the gelatine sheets in a bowl of cold water until softened. Drain and squeeze out any excess liquid using your hands.同時把吉利丁片泡在冷水里,直到它們變軟。用手擠出多余的水分。

In a heavy-based pan, heat the double cream, sugar and ground spices. Bring to the boil, then reduce the heat until the mixture is simmering and simmer for 2-3 minutes, whisking until the sugar has dissolved.在一個厚底鍋中加入奶油、糖和香料,煮沸后把火關小、再略微煮上2-3分鐘,輕輕搖晃讓糖融化掉。

Remove the cream mixture from the heat and whisk in the drained gelatine until dissolved. Drain the raisins and stir into the cream mixture .把火關掉、加入擠干的吉利丁片,攪拌融化。再加入濾過水的葡萄干,剩余的朗姆酒可以倒掉。

Pour the mixture into ten 200ml/7fl oz moulds or ramekins, filling them to three-quarters full. Set aside to cool completely, then cover with cling film and chill in the fridge for at least two hours, or until set.把混合好的液體分裝到10個200毫升的模具里,裝7成滿就好。靜置到完全涼透,用保鮮膜包起來、放到冰箱里至少凍兩個小時,或直到成型。

To serve, dip the ramekins briefly into hot water to loosen each panna cotta and turn out onto serving plates. Scatter over some redcurrants to garnish.裝盤時,把模具浸入到熱水里使之脫模,然后倒置到盤中。撒上一些莓果做裝飾。


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