
從美聯社年度照片看2011全球風云變幻 - 教學補習



The Arab Spring. Earthquakes. Tsunamis. A nuclear crisis. The end of Osama bin Laden. And more. How to sum up an extraordinary year of news in just 10 photos? Given that The Associated Press handles more than 1 million images a year, the very notion is daunting.The choice of these 10 images from these seven stories is in no way meant to disrespect those involved in any other news events.在2011年,發生了阿拉伯之春運動、地震、海嘯、核危機、本拉登時代結束等等很多很多大事件。那怎樣才能用10張照片總結出這不平凡的一年呢?鑒于美聯社每年要處理100多萬張照片,從一年的圖片里精選出10張,這樣的想法會很嚇人。7個故事,10張圖片,絕對對得起今年發生的其它新聞事件。

1. U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords is wheeled away on a stretcher after being shot in the head in Arizona. Photographer James Palka was scheduled to make photos of an event outside a Tucson shopping center where Giffords was to speak. He arrived to a scene of mayhem and carnage after a gunman opened fire on the crowd, killing 6 and wounding 13. Palka made many photos, among them this image of Giffords being wheeled away on a stretcher after being shot in the head. He didn't know it was Giffords at the time, until AP reporting confirmed it.圖片:美國共和黨議員加布里埃爾-吉福茲在亞利桑那州被擊中頭部,隨后被擔架運走。攝影師詹姆斯-帕爾卡原計劃在吉福茲進行演講的圖森購物中心拍攝一組圖片,而當他到那時,看到的是一片混亂與屠殺的場景——一名持槍者在人群中開槍掃射,造成6人死亡,13人受傷。帕爾卡馬上拿起相機拍攝現場圖片,而其中的一張剛好拍到吉福茲頭部受槍傷后被擔架運走的畫面。當時,他并不知道擔架上的是吉福茲,直至美聯社報道后才確認是他。

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