
《喬布斯傳》翻譯筆記:喬布斯搶了別人的“寶貝孩子” - 教學補習






Some on the team found Jobs impossible to work with. “Jobs seems to introduce tension, politics, and hassles rather than enjoying a buffer from those distractions,” one engineer wrote in a memo to Raskin in December 1980. “I thoroughly enjoy talking with him, and I admire his ideas, practical perspective, and energy. But I just don’t feel that he provides the trusting, supportive, relaxed environment that I need.” But many others realized that despite his temperamental failings, Jobs had the charisma and corporate clout that would lead them to “make a dent in the universe.” Jobs told the staff that Raskin was just a dreamer, whereas he was a doer and would get the Mac done in a year. It was clear he wanted vindication for having been ousted from the Lisa group, and he was energized by competition. He publicly bet John Couch $5,000 that the Mac would ship before the Lisa. “We can make a computer that’s cheaper and better than the Lisa, and get it out first,” he told the team.



沒法與喬布斯共事。“喬布斯給整個項目帶來了激烈緊張、權力斗爭和沖突麻煩,而從來不會想著去化解這些讓人分心的的事情。” 1980年12月,有一位工程師在交給拉斯金的工作備忘錄中這樣表示。“我當然很喜歡跟他聊天,我很欣賞他的創意點子、實用性的觀點和工作熱情,但是我覺得他無法提供我想要的那種彼此信任、相互支持、輕松愉悅的工作環境。” 另一方面,也有一些人覺得,雖然喬布斯有著喜怒無常的性格缺點,他身上還是有一種獨特的魅力和團隊影響力,引導他們想要去改變世界。喬布斯對團隊成員表示拉斯金只是一個空想家,而他自己卻是實干家,他會在一年內完成Mac電腦。很明顯,因為他從麗莎項目被奪權,他需要證明自己,競爭激發了他的斗志。喬布斯甚至公開與麗莎項目的負責人約翰·庫奇打賭5000美元,賭Mac會比Lisa電腦先完成。“我們可以做一個比麗莎更廉價更好的電腦,我們必須搶先一步做出來。”他這樣告訴整個團隊。



1. buffer:計算機術語指,我們常看到的視頻正在緩沖即可翻譯成buffering。也可指車輛中的。buffer同樣也是個政治詞匯,緩沖國指夾在兩個對立的或潛在敵對的強權國家之間的國家,并通過它的存在來避免兩國之間的沖突。文中使用的buffer表示的意思。

President Barack Obama's popularity remains largely intact and acts as a kind of buffer against an uncontrolled explosion of anger.貝拉克·奧巴馬總統的支持率仍舊居高不下。他在一定程度上緩解了民眾的憤怒情緒。

Hong Kong is a natural "buffer zone" between China and global currency markets in which pilot programmes can be conducted.香港是中國大陸和全球貨幣市場之間一個天然的“緩沖帶”,大陸可以在此試點。

India has long been influential in Nepal, which it regards as a buffer against China.印度對于尼泊爾一直很有影響力,且視其為應對中國的緩沖國。

2. temperamental failings:



In fact, he was considered a terrible grouch, a very mean-spirited and temperamental person.事實上,他是個出了名的壞脾氣,大家都覺得他心胸狹窄、喜怒無常。

You may find her at home, or failing that, try the library. 她可能在家,如果沒有,你就去圖書館找找看。

3. make a dent in the universe: 在世界留下印記,改變世界。

dent的原意是指凹痕,make a dent in the universe,渺小的人在茫茫宇宙留下痕跡,用自己的力量改變世界。《喬布斯傳》的中文譯本的宣傳語“”的原文即是:We are here to put a dent in the universe, ,這也是喬布斯一直以來的夢想和愿景,他做到了。


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