胡錦濤主席在戛納G20峰會的講話 - 教學補習 |
2011年11月3日,國家主席胡錦濤在法國戛納舉行的二十國集團領導人第六次峰會上發表題為《合力推動增長 合作謀求共贏》的重要講話。講話全文如下: 尊敬的薩科齊總統,各位同事:President Nicolas Sarkozy, dear Colleagues, 很高興來到戛納出席二十國集團領導人第六次峰會,同各位同事共商應對風險挑戰、推動世界發展大計。首先,我謹對薩科齊總統和法國政府為本次峰會所作的積極努力和周到安排,表示衷心的感謝!I am glad to come to Cannes to attend the sixth G20 Summit and explore with you ways to counter risks and challenges and promote global development. First of all, I wish to express sincere thanks to you, President Sarkozy, and the French government for the active efforts and thoughtful arrangements you have made for the summit. 當前,世界經濟形勢值得我們高度關注,一些主要經濟體經濟增速下滑,一些國家主權債務問題突出,國際金融市場動蕩不已,新興市場國家通脹壓力仍然較大,各種形式的保護主義愈演愈烈,西亞北非局勢持續動蕩,極端氣候和自然災害頻發也給世界經濟帶來負面影響,世界經濟復蘇的不穩定性不確定性突出,風險挑戰增多。The current world economic situation deserves our high attention. Some major economies are experiencing economic slowdown, and some countries are facing acute sovereign debt problems. Volatility in the international financial markets persists. High inflationary pressure confronts emerging markets. Protectionism in various forms is mounting. The continuing turbulence in west Asia and north Africa as well as extreme weather conditions and frequent natural disasters have also exerted negative impact on the world economy. As a result, the global economic recovery is fraught with instability and uncertainty and encounters growing risks and challenges. 2008年國際金融危機發生以來的種種情況表明,我們面對的不是一場單純的經濟金融危機,這場危機暴露出若干體制機制、政策理念、發展方式的弊端。世界經濟發展正處在何去何從的十字路口,全球經濟治理正面臨十分艱巨的任務,需要我們登高望遠,超越具體分歧,超越一時得失,共同探索走出危機、實現發展的正確途徑。作為國際經濟合作的主要論壇,二十國集團應該繼續發揚同舟共濟、合作共贏的精神,在這個關鍵時刻抓住主要矛盾,共同提振市場信心,積極化解風險挑戰,努力促進世界經濟增長和金融穩定。為此,我愿提出幾點建議。What has happened since the outbreak of the international financial crisis in 2008 shows that we are facing not just an economic and financial crisis. It is a crisis that has exposed certain deficiencies in the existing institutions and mechanisms, policies and approaches, and ways of development. The world economy is now at a crossroads and global economic governance faces arduous tasks. It is imperative that we stand on a higher plane, transcend differences on specific issues, move beyond short-term considerations, and jointly seek ways to overcome the crisis and sustain development. As the premier forum for international economic cooperation, the G20 must continue to demonstrate the spirit of standing together in times of adversity and pursuing win-win cooperation. At this critical moment, the G20 must work to address the key problems, boost market confidence, defuse risks and meet challenges, and promote global economic growth and financial stability. I wish to make the following proposals in this connection. 第一,堅持在增長中兼顧平衡。在強勁、可持續、平衡這3個目標中,確保強勁增長是首要。尤其是在當前世界經濟面臨重大風險、市場動蕩不定的情況下,保增長、促穩定應該成為二十國集團領導人峰會的當務之急。我們應該出臺新的有力舉措,把財政和貨幣政策落到實處,確保資金流向實體經濟部門,擴大生產,增加就業。我們應該重點關注扶持中小企業發展,通過融資、財稅等手段幫助它們盡快擺脫困境,為各國經濟復蘇提供堅實支撐。我們應該充分挖掘科技潛力,積極培育增長亮點,增強經濟復蘇的內在動力。同時,我們應該加快各自經濟結構調整步伐,努力實現世界經濟相對平衡增長。First, ensure growth while paying attention to balance. Strong growth is the primary goal in pursuing strong, sustainable and balanced growth. Given the serious risks facing the global economy and continued market volatility, ensuring growth and promoting stability should be the top priority for the G20 Summit. We should introduce new and strong measures to ensure that the fiscal and monetary policies are fully implemented and that funding is channeled into the real economy to boost production and employment. We should make major efforts to support the development of small- and medium-sized enterprises and help them speedily overcome the current difficulties by providing financing and fiscal support and tax incentives, thus laying a solid foundation for promoting economic recovery. We should fully tap into the potential of science and technology, nurture growth drivers and build up the internal dynamism of economic recovery. At the same time, we should speed up the adjustment of our respective economic structures and endeavor to achieve fairly balanced growth of the global economy. 第二,堅持在合作中謀求共贏。目前,各國經濟發展面臨的形勢不同,利益訴求差異加大,矛盾和摩擦增多。市場信心嚴重不足。形勢越嚴峻,越顯示出加強國際協調和合作的必要和迫切。我們應該加強團結,釋放合作謀共贏的強有力信號,增強國際社會對世界經濟復蘇和發展的信心。我們應該加強溝通和協調,努力形成相互支持、相互補充的政策措施,妥善化解主權債務、跨境資本大規模無序流動等金融風險,控制大宗商品價格波動,有效緩解全球通脹壓力,避免各國經濟政策效果相互抵消。Second, pursue win-win outcome through cooperation. As countries vary in economic situation and have growing differences in terms of interest, there are now rising rifts and frictions among them. There is also acute lack of confidence in the markets. This grave situation shows the urgency of enhancing international coordination and cooperation. We should strengthen unity and send a strong signal of pursuing win-win cooperation to the world so as to boost the confidence of the international community in global economic recovery and development. We should strengthen consultation and coordination, introduce mutually supporting and complementing policy measures, and tackle sovereign debt risks, massive unregulated cross-border flow of capital and other financial risks. We should keep the fluctuation of commodity prices under control, mitigate global inflationary pressure and make sure that the economic policies pursued by various countries do not offset each other. 第三,堅持在改革中完善治理。國際金融危機凸顯了全球經濟治理體系的弊端,也促使我們開啟了推進全球經濟治理新體系建設的歷史進程。我們注意到,國際金融機構和金融監管改革取得一定進展,新興市場國家和發展中國家代表性和發言權有所增加。同時,我們也應該看到,國際貨幣體系、國際貿易體系、大宗商品價格形成機制等仍需大力改革和完善。我們應該穩妥推進國際貨幣體系改革,擴大國際貨幣基金組織特別提款權的使用,改革其貨幣組成籃子,建立幣值穩定、供應有序、總量可調的國際儲備貨幣體系。我們應該繼續高舉自由貿易旗幟,反對貿易和投資保護主義,堅定推動多哈回合談判,重申不采取新的貿易保護主義措施的承諾,致力于建立公平、合理、非歧視的國際貿易體系。我們應該推動形成更加合理透明的大宗商品定價和調控機制,擴大產能、穩定供求、加強監管、抑制投機,實現和保持大宗商品價格合理穩定,著力保障全球能源安全和糧食安全,尤其是要保障發展中國家能源和糧食消費需求。我們應該堅持推進改革的決心不動搖,朝著更加公正合理的全球經濟治理體系不斷邁進。Third, improve governance in the course of reform. The international financial crisis has highlighted the deficiencies in the global economic governance system, but it has also enabled us to set out on a historic process of building a new system of global economic governance. We have taken note of the progress made in reforming international financial institutions and in the financial regulatory reform and the increase in the voice and representation of emerging markets and developing countries. Still, major efforts should be made to reform and improve the international monetary system, international trading system and commodity pricing mechanism. We should advance the reform of the international monetary system in a steady manner, expand the use of the SDR of the IMF, reform the SDR currency basket, and build an international reserve currency system with stable value, rule-based issuance and manageable supply. We should be firmly committed to free trade, oppose trade and investment protectionism, move forward the Doha Round negotiations, reaffirm the commitment of not taking new trade protectionist measures, and work to build a fair, equitable and non-discriminatory international trading system. We should work to make the commodity pricing and regulating mechanism more equitable and transparent, expand production capacity, stabilize supply and demand, strengthen supervision and curb speculation so as to maintain the stability of commodity prices at a reasonable level. We should ensure global energy security and food security, and in particular, meet the energy and food needs of developing countries. We should remain firm in our resolve to advance reform and make continued progress towards the building of a more just and equitable system of global economic governance. 第四,堅持在創新中不斷前進。目前這場危機再次十分嚴肅地向我們提出了人類生產生活活動應該如何開展這個重大命題,考驗著我們的智慧和能力,亟待我們采取行動。創新是人類社會發展的不竭動力。應對這場危機,需要銳意進取,不斷完善和創新經濟社會發展的理念、體制、模式,處理好政府和市場、勞動和資本、生產和消費、公平和效率等重要關系。我們既應該充分發揮市場在資源配置中的基礎性作用,又不能放任唯利是圖、惡性競爭;既應該充分發揮政府在宏觀調控和維護社會公平正義方面的關鍵作用,又要避免脫離實際、大包大攬。我們既應該大力提倡科技創新、不斷提高產業技術水平,又應該始終把增加就業、改善民生擺在首位,使科技進步和擴大就業相得益彰。我們既應該大力促進生產、不斷夯實社會發展的物質基礎,又應該更加注重收入的合理分配,使社會生產能力提高和民眾生活改善相互促進。Fourth, strive for progress through innovation. The current crisis has once again raised a serious and fundamental issue, namely, how mankind should conduct activities affecting production and livelihood. This is a test on our vision and ability, and it cries out for urgent action. Innovation is an inexhaustible source of human progress. To overcome the crisis, we need to make pioneering efforts. We should improve and innovate our thinking, system and mode for advancing economic and social development, and strike a balance in such important relationships as those between government and market, labor and capital, production and consumption, and equity and efficiency. We should bring into full play the basic role of the market in resources allocation while avoiding blind pursuit of profit and malicious competition. The government should play a key role in macro-regulation and upholding social equity and justice while avoiding being divorced from reality and keeping all responsibilities to itself. We should vigorously pursue scientific innovation and upgrade industrial technologies. At the same time, we should continue to make creating jobs and improving people's life our top priority, so that progress in science and technology and expansion in employment will complement each other. We should boost production and strengthen the material foundation for social development. At the same time, we should ensure more equitable distribution of income, so that growth in social productivity and improvement in people's living standards will reinforce each other. 第五,堅持在發展中共促繁榮。從根本上看,世界經濟發展的最大瓶頸在于廣大發展中國家未能實現充分發展,使世界范圍內有效需求增長未能跟上生產力發展步伐。長期以來,發達國家和發展中國家資源占有失衡,財富分配不公,發展機會不均,形成“越不發展越落后,越落后就越難發展”的惡性循環,最終制約了世界經濟持久穩定增長。加快發展中國家經濟社會發展,既是聯合國確定的千年發展目標,也是實現世界繁榮的必由之路,國際社會應該在這方面多想辦法、多出政策。首爾峰會通過了《共享增長的“首爾發展共識”》和跨年度行動計劃,對縮小發展鴻溝、推動共同增長具有重要意義。我們應該繼續挖掘新興市場國家和發展中國家經濟發展潛力,大力促進發展中國家經濟發展,帶動全球總需求擴大。我們應該充分反映世界經濟格局變化,繼續增加新興市場國家和發展中國家在全球經濟治理中的發言權,為發展中國家發展創造良好制度環境。我們應該推動建立更加平等、更加均衡的新型全球發展伙伴關系,加強南北對話和南南合作,加強同聯合國在發展領域的協調和合作,支持聯合國及其專門機構繼續在發展領域發揮重要作用。中國作為發展中國家的一員,愿意同其他發展中國家開展互幫互助,共同致力于促進世界持久和平與共同繁榮。Fifth, promote common prosperity through development. In the final analysis, the most serious bottleneck in world economic development is the inability of developing countries to achieve full development. As a result, growth in effective global demand has not kept pace with the growth in productivity. For years, there has been an imbalance between developed and developing countries in terms of access to resources, wealth distribution and development opportunities. This has created a vicious circle where underdevelopment leads to backwardness and backwardness hinders development, thus hampering sustained and steady growth of the global economy. To speed up economic and social development in developing countries is a UN Millennium Development Goal, and it is the only way leading to global prosperity. The international community should come up with new thinking and adopt new policies in this regard. The G20 Seoul Development Consensus for Shared Growth and the Multi-Year Action Plan are important to our efforts to narrow the development gap and promote common growth. We should further unleash the development potential of emerging markets and developing countries and boost the economic growth of developing countries in order to stimulate aggregate global demand. We should continue to increase the voice of emerging markets and developing countries in global economic governance and create an enabling institutional environment for their development, as called for by the changing global economic landscape. We should build a more equal and balanced global partnership for development, strengthen the North-South dialogue and South-South cooperation, intensify coordination and cooperation with the United Nations on development, and support the UN and its specialized agencies in continuing to play an important role in development. As a developing country, China stands ready to promote mutual assistance with other developing countries and will work with them to advance durable peace and common prosperity of the world. |
- Feb 06 Mon 2012 09:31