梁思成:為什么研究中國建筑(一) - 教學補習 |
Chinese Architecture: Art and Artifacts 為什么研究中國建筑 作者簡介:梁思成,中國著名建筑史學家、建筑師、城市規劃師和建筑教育家,曾參加中華人民共和國國徽、人民英雄紀念碑等的設計,是新中國首都城市規劃工作的推動者和新中國若干重大設計方案的主持者。 內容簡介:著名建筑學家梁思成先生英文文集匯編,收選其八篇文章及考察報告,配有中文譯文與近百幅珍貴的建筑手繪圖稿和照片。 Architecture建筑 Although the ancient Chinese never considered architecture a fine art, in China as in the West it has been the mother of the fine arts. It was through the medium of architectural decoration that painting and sculpture matured and gained recognition as independent arts. 中國古人從未把建筑當成一種藝術,但像在西方一樣,建筑一直是藝術之母。正是通過作為建筑裝飾,繪畫與雕塑走向成熟,并被認作是獨立的藝術。 Technique and Forms技術與形式 The architecture of China is an indigenous system of construction which was conceived in the dawn of Chinese civilization and has been developing ever since. Its characteristic form is a timber skeleton or framework standing on a masonry platform and covered by a pitched roof with overhanging eaves. The spaces between the posts and lintels of the framework may be filled in with curtain walls whose sole function is to separate one portion of the building from another, or the interior from the exterior. Te walls of the Chinese building, unlike those of the conventional European building, are free from the weight of the upper floors and the roof, and may be installed or omitted as required. By adjusting the proportion of the open and walled-in spaces, the architect may admit or exclude just the amount of light and air appropriate to any purpose and to any climate. Tis high degree of adaptability has enabled Chinese architecture to follow Chinese civilization wherever it has spread. 中國建筑是一種土生土長的構筑系統,它在中國文明萌生時期即已出現,其后不斷得到發展。它的特征性形式是立在磚石基座上的木骨架即木框架,上面有帶挑檐的坡屋頂。木框架的梁與柱之間,可以筑幕墻,幕墻的唯一功能是劃分內部空間及區別內外。中國建筑的墻與歐洲傳統房屋中的墻不同,它不承受屋頂或上面樓層的重量,因而可隨需要而設或不設。建筑設計者通過調節開敞與封閉的比例,控制光線和空氣的流入量,一切全看需要及氣候而定。高度的適應性使中國建筑隨著中國文明的傳播而擴散。 As the Chinese system of construction evolved and matured, rules like the orders of classical European architecture were developed to govern the proportion of the different members of the building. In buildings of a monumental character the order is enriched by tou-kung, sets of brackets on top of the columns supporting the beams within and roof eaves without. Each set consists of tiers of outstretching arms called kung, cushioned with trapezoidal blocks called tou. The tou-kung arefunctional members of the structure, carrying the beams and permitting the deep overhang of the eaves. As they evolved, they assumed different shapes and proportions. In earlier periods they were simple and large in proportion to the size of the building; later they became smaller and smaller and more complicated. Hence they serve as a convenient index to the date of construction. 當中國的構筑系統演進和成熟后,像歐洲古典建筑柱式那樣的規則產生出來,它們控制建筑物各部分的比例。在紀念性的建筑上,建筑規范由于采用斗拱而得到豐富。斗拱由一系列置于柱頂的托木組成,在內部它承托木梁,在外部它支承屋檐。一攢斗拱中包括幾層橫向伸出的臂,叫“拱”,梯形的墊木叫“斗”。斗拱本是結構中有功能作用的部件,它承托木梁又使屋檐伸出得遠一些。在演進過程中,斗拱有多種多樣的形式和比例。早期的斗拱形式簡單,在房屋尺寸中占的比例較大;后來斗拱變得小而復雜。因此,斗拱可作為房屋建造時代的方便的指示物。 The planning problem of the Chinese architect is not that of partitioning a single building, since the framing system makes the interior partition mere screens, but of placing the various buildings of which a Chinese house is composed. 由于框架結構使內墻變為隔斷,所以中國建筑的平面布置不在于單幢房屋之內部劃分,而在于多座不同房屋的布局安排,中國的住宅是由這些房屋組成的。
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- Jan 11 Wed 2012 13:43