
和ear耳朵有關的英文詞組匯總 - 教學補習


1. give/lend an ear to someone 傾聽某人的心聲

例句:He tried to give a sympathetic ear to the patient. 他極力懷著同情心傾聽患者的敘述。 2. turn a deaf ear 不加理睬、充耳不聞 例句:He turned a deaf ear to his mother's chatter. 他對母親的嘮嘮叨叨聽而不聞。 3. fall on deaf ears 未被理睬、未受重視 例句:My advice always seems to fall on deaf ears. 我的建議好像總是沒人聽。 4. talk one's ear off 喋喋不休,絮叨個不停 例句:All I wanted was a chance to read my book, but my seatmate talked my ear off. 我巴不得能有機會看書,但我的同桌卻嘮嘮叨叨地說個不停。 5. make a pig's ear of 把事情搞得很糟糕 例句:He made a pig's ear of repairing my car. 他把我的車修得一團糟。 6. have big ears 耳朵尖、消息靈通;愛打聽別人的事 例句:He can't help having big ears. 他總愛打聽別人的事。 7. all eyes and ears 聚精會神 例句:A detective must be all eyes and all ears. 一個偵探必須眼觀六路,耳聽八方。 8. all ears 洗耳恭聽、全神貫注地聽 例句:Go ahead with your story, I'm all ears. 請告訴我你的經歷,我將洗耳恭聽。 9. grin from ear to ear 咧著嘴笑、笑逐顏開 例句:When he was told that he has won the first prize, he grined from ear to ear. 當他被告知自己得了一等獎時,他咧開嘴笑了。 10. play it by ear 隨機應變、見機行事 例句:In dealing with that unpredictable man, you simply can't follow a prearranged plan. You have to play it by ear. 和那個捉摸不定的人打交道,你簡直無法按預定計劃行事,只好隨行應變。 By the time she was four, she could play songs by ear. 她四歲時就能憑記憶把聽過的曲子彈奏出來了。 I haven't decided what to say when he comes; I'll play it by ear. 我還沒決定他來時要說什么,到時隨機應變吧。  解析:字面意思是憑記憶把聽過的音樂彈奏出來。 “Playby ear”原是音樂用語,指某人不用樂譜,僅憑聽過的記憶就可彈奏樂曲。由此意引申,“playby ear”強調事件的“即興”成分,沒有計劃、依據當時情況而行事,很有著“走著瞧,走一步說一步”的味道。  

11. prick up your ears 豎起耳朵仔細聽

例句:He pricked up his ears when they mentioned the salary.




be all ears 聚精會神地聽,洗耳恭聽

bend someone ear與某人喋喋不休

blow it out one’s ear胡說八道

chew someone’s ear off對某人喋喋不休

have an ear for music有音樂方面的天賦

fall on deaf ears和沒有心思的人說話;沒被理睬

good ear 辨別聲音

keep one’s ear to the ground注意聽

perk up one’s ear引起注意,堅起耳朵

play by ear 聽過歌曲后,不看樂譜而憑記憶演奏

put a bug in someone’s ear事先給某人暗示;警告某人

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